Friday, November 11, 2011

Feelin' good

So yesterday I applied to State Farm.  It's for an underwriting position, of which I already know some about.  I called to check on the ins and outs of the job posting.  It was posted on the fourth, and the desired start date for the 51, yes 51 positions, is January 9th.  That's only two months away.  I could have a very clear light at the end of the tunnel.  Trying hard not to get too excited, because this could just be the perfect place for me right now.  If I don't get it, who knows how long it will be before I find something else like this.  Been looking for months now, and I have barely found things to apply for, and hardly any of them were anywhere close to this good.

I talked to an HR employee and she said they haven't had enough applicants yet, so being in the first 51 to apply, I feel pretty confident that I'll get an interview.  I had started the process of interviewing at this company a couple of years ago when I decided to go back to school.  You do online testing, to see if you have basic comprehension and problem solving skills.  They want to know you can type fast.  I need to practice using the number pad, but my words per minute is 65 and above.  Blah blah blah.  I would have gotten hired except my school schedule interferred.  This time there will be nothing to intefere.  I can have regular hours, most weekends and nights off, a good salary, and NO UNIFORM.  I can wear what I want.  WOOOOO.  I cannot believe how anxious I am about this. 

Every time my phone rings I'm going to have a heart attack. 

Well I guess that's all.  Needed to write all of that so I can focus on writing my book.  Mute Math is my companion today.  Wooo

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Job Search, Writing, and losing my mind

Holy cow.  I feel like there is no time to do all of the stuff that needs to be done, let alone what I want to do.  I feel anxious about everything.  It appears that I am unwanted by places that have job openings for something menial and basic like a secretary.  This isn't to say these jobs aren't nice, or rewarding.  I can very much see myself in something like that.  I don't want that to be my career, however.  Since I have been unable to receive contact from these places, I have decided to go out and dream big.  Super.  I have no experience though.  Oh sure, if you want to know what's on every burger at Carl's Jr. or where the scallions are, because you don't know they're just green onions, I'm your gal.  But if you want me to type up some e-mails, as far as my experience goes, you should absolutely laugh in my face and burn my application right in front of me.

I am unqualified for the jobs that i need to get me experience for other jobs.  So what...lie?  Beg?  Stage a protest that makes no sense because of course they are all going to hire someone with experience over someone who just really wants a job?  Yeah.  None of those seem good to me, either.

So while I am trying to decide what type of resume and cover letter to write to whichever company won't hire me, I am feeling like a loser because I want to write and feel like I don't have the time to do that and job searching.  Plus, there's the part where I'm a living person in a house that needs cleaning. 

I want this whole adult thing to be over with.  Or at least resolve the job issue.  I don't care if that means I have to have something else to worry about.  I'm done worrying about what the hell it is I'm going to do.  I'd like to be able to pay more of my bills.  Maybe I don't even get to pay all of them with the next job; but can I just pay more?  I'd also like my son to listen to me half of the time.  Look-I'm not even asking for all of the time.  Yet somehow, half seems to be incredibly idealistic as well. 

Yes, I'm being pathetic and whiny.  But look!  Self-aware.  Oh I don't know. 

Okay.  Fuck this.  I have a house.  I have low rent.  I have an adorable (when he wants to be) son.  I have an awesome fiance.  I just put gas in my car that got me over the half way mark.  I have put $20 into savings the last two weeks combined.  I have coffee to drink.  I have food to eat.  I have a computer and internet that allow me to be able to work on the things I need and want to. 

there.  Theoretically out of my funk.  Blast the music and eat some lunch.  maybe drink some wine.  I DON'T CARE THAT IT'S IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. I AM AN ECCENTRIC WRITER GOD DAMNIT. Ha.  That felt good, too.  Okay.  Adios.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Super crazy month of november

This month is known to many as NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.  Thousands and thousands of people embark on an intense journey to write 50,000 words in 30 days despite full time jobs, school, kids and whatever else they have going on.  I have joined the masses this year with a clear goal in mind.  I plotted out a story and made plans for my characters.  I finally started writing in a point of view that I don't find myself hating after three pages and being crippled by.  My dialogue doesn't blow chunks as it has in the past.  I feel good about what I'm writing and I am hoping for one more thing.  Catharsis.  Only the end of the month will tell if this was a bad idea, or if it was liberating and extremely joyful.  Maybe it could be all three.  I don't know.

In the world of jobs these days, I have picked up enough shifts the last two weeks because of other people getting fired (yay for stupidity and laziness?) that I have had around 35 hours.  Lately I have only been getting around 20-24.  Not nearly enough to do what I need my money to.  We have three new people in our department in three weeks, and are losing our manager.  None of this is a bad thing.  We have two new assistants who I think will be great.  It's just a lot of change all at once.  It's exciting, though. 

Outside of my current job, I have decided that since i have not heard back from the jobs I am only applying for because they will be better than the one I have now, I have decided that regardless of whether theyare hiring or not, I will only apply to places I REALLY want to work at.  Jobs that I know will make me happy aside from paying my bills.  I figure almost anything I choose outside of retail will pay me more than I'm getting now, so the money part shouldn't be hard to fulfill.  In finding a place to at least apply to, anyway.  I have decided to write a kick ass cover letter, obviously tweeking a few things based on where I apply, and find people to write me reccomendations.  After that, I have to figure out what I can to with, or to, the application to make myself and it stand out.  I get to be creative right now.  Super creative month.  It's what I like to do so I should be happy.

Which, by the way, I am.  On a random note, I again feel the urge to write how happy I am with my life as a whole.  Yes, money is stressful but honestly, I don't really see a time where we won't be at least a little concerned as to where money will come from, or how to use it the best when we have it.  Especially if and when we start adding more kids to the mix.  However, I know that I have found the right person for me to go through all of this with.  Andrew cares for me deeply and he doesn't just assume I know it because he's with me. 

Blah blah, mushy icky gooey stuff.  I will probably be staying at my mom's tomorrow night because of the late hour I will be getting off of work and she will watch Logan.  I am going to ask her if we get Christmas decorations like we did Halloween.  I want to start decorating soon.  It might seem a little early, but it takes a lot of work to put it all up and take it all down.  it hardly seems worth it to enjoy for a short month.  Especially when Andrew and I aren't here as much as we'd like to be.  I am also just wanting to enjoy the Hoildays.  So there. 

Guess this update is over.  Better chug my coffee and get the kid dressed to go to daycare.  Good luck to everyone doing NaNoWriMo, and I love you guys.